Episode 42 – Sierra Trek Recap

Episode 42 – Sierra Trek Recap

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for 15 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!! Whether you’re looking for a Sunday drive or some hard core rock crawling!! We will cover it all!

Episode 42!!

Tabandslot.com offers self serve, on demand laser cutting services (with No Setup Fees) to artists, fabricators, and small business. Make your dreams a reality over at tabandslot.com

What’s up Jeff?


August giveaway:
Tabandslot.com offers self serve, on demand laser cutting services (with No Setup Fees) to artists, fabricators, and small business. Make your dreams a reality over at tabandslot.com
Dave from Tab and Slot Episode 40

To celebrate Fabrication month High Sierra 4×4 is teaming up with Tab and Slot.com to give one lucky winner a fabrication project or their very own!

Tab and Slot.com is known for turning your designs into reality with custom CAD work using Tab and Slot design to ensure the finished product is what you envisioned. They are going to give one lucky winner their choice of fabrication project. If you own a Jeep JK you can opt to receive one of their custom Jeep JK Front or Rear bumper kits. Or if you prefer you can receive one of their custom welding tables. Either way you will have an awesome fabrication project of your very own!

Rogue Fabrication sells tube benders, Tubing Notchers, Die Sets and fabrication tools

Why should you buy a Tubing Bender from Rogue Fab? Price and performance. If you have shopped around you have seen what other manufacturers charge for die sets. Or you have seen the benders that don’t bend strong tubing and only bend to 90 degrees. Why spend over $1000 on a bender or make huge compromises in functionality when you could have bought a RogueFab bender and had all the features you need for less money?

Main Topic:

Sierra Trek
Thursday, August 06, 2015 – Sunday, August 09, 2015
Episode 39

Reid Racing
Tons of Runs, Mild to Wild
RC cars
Huge Raffle
Silent Auction

Listener Feedback:

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
Lots of projects going on this month like the High Sierra 4×4 Expedition Trailer.

Located in Rancho Cordova and serving the greater Sacramento area with sales in steel sheet and tube, aluminum products and stainless steel. We also have nuts & bolts, casters and a large selection of remnant metals in all products. Shearing and cutting available. For all your metal needs, check out Metal Mart!

Events and Happenings:

Cantina for the Con
September 5th-6th at the Spillway


Episode 41 – Welding Feat. Andy From Miller Welding

Episode 41 – Welding Feat. Andy From Miller Welding!

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for 15 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!! Whether you’re looking for a Sunday drive or some hard core rock crawling!! We will cover it all!

Episode 41!!

Tabandslot.com offers self serve, on demand laser cutting services (with No Setup Fees) to artists, fabricators, and small business. Make your dreams a reality over at tabandslot.com

What’s up Jeff?


August giveaway:
Tabandslot.com offers self serve, on demand laser cutting services (with No Setup Fees) to artists, fabricators, and small business. Make your dreams a reality over at tabandslot.com

Lots of projects going on this month like the High Sierra 4×4 Expedition Trailer.
Rogue Fabrication sells tube benders, Tubing Notchers, Die Sets and fabrication tools

Why should you buy a Tubing Bender from Rogue Fab? Price and performance. If you have shopped around you have seen what other manufacturers charge for die sets. Or you have seen the benders that don’t bend strong tubing and only bend to 90 degrees. Why spend over $1000 on a bender or make huge compromises in functionality when you could have bought a RogueFab bender and had all the features you need for less money?

Located in Rancho Cordova and serving the greater Sacramento area with sales in steel sheet and tube, aluminum products and stainless steel. We also have nuts & bolts, casters and a large selection of remnant metals in all products. Shearing and cutting available. For all your metal needs, check out Metal Mart!

Main Topic: Andy From Miller Welding

Andy, welcome to the show!!
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you came to work for Miller?
Fabricators – Needing to know how to weld, can you tell us exactly what happens when we are welding?
What elements play into the factors of a clean weld?
Can you explain what MIG, TIG and Stick Welding?
When would I want to use what?
Being on a limited budget, what kind of welder would I want to look for?
How do I determine what I can do with that welder?
Do you have any resources or recommendations to help build my welding skills?
What about safety?


Listener Feedback:

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
To celebrate Fabrication month High Sierra 4×4 is teaming up with Tab and Slot.com to give one lucky winner a fabrication project or their very own!

Tab and Slot.com is known for turning your designs into reality with custom CAD work using Tab and Slot design to ensure the finished product is what you envisioned. They are going to give one lucky winner their choice of fabrication project. If you own a Jeep JK you can opt to receive one of their custom Jeep JK Front or Rear bumper kits. Or if you prefer you can receive one of their custom welding tables. Either way you will have an awesome fabrication project of your very own!

Events and Happenings:

Sierra Trek
Thursday, August 06, 2015 – Sunday, August 09, 2015
Episode 39

Cantina for the Con
September 5th-6th at the Spillway


Episode 40 – Dave from Tab and Slot.com

Episode 40 – Dave from Tab and Slot.com

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for 15 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!! Whether you’re looking for a Sunday drive or some hard core rock crawling!! We will cover it all!

tabandslot.com offers self serve, on demand laser cutting services (with No Setup Fees) to artists, fabricators, and small business. Make your dreams a reality over at tabandslot.com

What’s up Jeff?


August giveaway: tabandslot.com offers self serve, on demand laser cutting services (with No Setup Fees) to artists, fabricators, and small business. Make your dreams a reality over at tabandslot.com

Main Topic: Dave from Tab and Slot.com


Listener Feedback:

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
Electronic Sway Bar…

Events and Happenings:

Sierra Trek
Thursday, August 06, 2015 – Sunday, August 09, 2015

Cantina for the Con
September 5th-6th at the Spillway


Episode 39 – Jeff with Sierra Trek

Episode 39 – Jeff with Sierra Trek

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for 15 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!! Whether you’re looking for a Sunday drive or some hard core rock crawling!! We will cover it all!

Episode 39!!

tabandslot.com offers self serve, on demand laser cutting services (with No Setup Fees) to artists, fabricators, and small business. Make your dreams a reality over at tabandslot.com

What’s up Jeff?


August giveaway: tabandslot.com offers self serve, on demand laser cutting services (with No Setup Fees) to artists, fabricators, and small business. Make your dreams a reality over at tabandslot.com

Main Topic: Sierra Trek


Thursday, August 06, 2015 – Sunday, August 09, 2015

The 48th annual Sierra Trek is a Cal4Wheel event which is located in California’s beautiful Tahoe National Forest. This family oriented event is geared toward stock 4x4s on guided historic and slightly challenging tours, toward mildly modified vehicles on the Saturday Outer Limits run and off-road enthusiast on the extremely challenging Fordyce Trail.

Stock vehicles should consider signing up for the Wednesday/Thursday Overnight, the Saturday Historic Run and the Saturday Outer Limits Run.

Moderately modified vehicles will love the beauty and the challenge of the Bear Valley Loop on the Saturday Outer Limits Run.

We welcome the ATV/UTV community for a day run out of Meadow Lake on Saturday morning.
Fordyce Trail is an extremely technical and challenging trail, therefore is offered to the more modified vehicles requiring at least 35” tires and a minimum of one locker. Larger tires, two lockers and crawler gearing are all recommended to improve the overall participant experience on the Fordyce Trail runs. The surrounding area trails allow Sierra Trek to offer runs for SUV, ATV, and less modified 4×4 vehicles.

Listener Feedback:

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
Electronic Sway Bar…

Events and Happenings:

Sierra Trek
Thursday, August 06, 2015 – Sunday, August 09, 2015

Cantina for the Con
September 5th-6th at the Spillway


Episode 37 Overlanding 103

Episode 37 Overlanding 103

Intro: Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for 15 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!! Whether you’re looking for a Sunday drive or some hard core rock crawling!! We will cover it all!

Episode 37!!

http://www.jkskinz.com/ Your inovative and multi function Jeep Jk Storage and mounting solutions.

What’s up Jeff?


July Giveaway!!
http://www.jkskinz.com/ Look forward to an interview with the owner and creater of JKSkinz next week!! Register now for the giveaway!!
Interviewed Sean on Episode 32

Main Topic: Overlanding

Avoid Roof Loads at all Costs
Secure the Load
Quality and Design over Quantity

Listener Feedback:

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
Cooking recipes…

Events and Happenings:

Jeepers Jamboree
July 22nd Vendor Show
July 23-26th Rubicon Trail
We interviewed Bob on Episode 31

Sierra Trek
Thursday, August 06, 2015 – Sunday, August 09, 2015

Cantina for the Con
September 5th-6th at the Spillway


Episode 36 – Overlanding 102

Episode 36 – Overlanding 102

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for 15 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!! Whether you’re looking for a Sunday drive or some hard core rock crawling!! We will cover it all!

Episode 36!!

http://www.jkskinz.com/Your innovative and multi function Jeep Jk Storage and mounting solutions.

What’s up Jeff?

July Giveaway!!
http://www.jkskinz.com/Look forward to an interview with the owner and creator of JKSkinz next week!! Register now for the giveaway!!
Interviewed Sean on Episode 32

Main Topic: Overlanding 102

Suspension Performance
Keep the Engine Stock
Isolate and Minimize All Electrical Modifications
Use High Quality Tires in an Appropriate Tread

Listener Feedback:
Send us your questions and comments!!!

Thread of the Week:
Suggested Thread of the Week!
Beefing up the Jeep JK axle!

Events and Happenings:
Jeepers Jamboree
July 22nd Vendor Show
July 23-26th Rubicon Trail
We interviewed Bob on Episode 31

Sierra Trek
Thursday, August 06, 2015 – Sunday, August 09, 2015

Cantina for the Con
September 5th-6th at the Spillway


Episode 35 – Overlanding 101

Episode 35 – Overlanding 101

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for 15 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!! Whether you’re looking for a Sunday drive or some hard core rock crawling!! We will cover it all!

Episode 35!!

http://www.jkskinz.com/ Your inovative and multi function Jeep Jk Storage and mounting solutions.

What’s up Jeff?


July Giveaway!!
http://www.jkskinz.com/ Look forward to an interview with the owner and creater of JKSkinz next week!! Register now for the giveaway!!
Interviewed Sean on Episode 32

Main Topic: Overlanding 101

1) Complexity is the enemy: Keep the vehicle as simple and reliable as possible.

2) Weight is the enemy of performance:
 Keep the vehicle as light as possible, removing heavy items that provide limited value or are never used. The goal should be 90% of GVWR or less.

Listener Feedback:

Send us your questions and comments!!!

What are your thoughts on RHD jeeps? Can any lift go on them? Are parts interchangeable? Should you stay away for building a rig for extreme off roading? Seems fun and different, as you don’t see them on the trail much. Also love the podcast been listening since day 1.

Hey guys,
I own a 2009 JK that I bought from a senior guy who absolutely cherished the JK. Never been offroad. I have noticed at my 32K it uses oil…Like a quart per 3000/miles. What;s up with this???

Hey Guys,
Love the show, but I just wanted to point out a small inaccuracy from the opening of the show. One of you said that there was no cars that use a combustion engine to power an electric motor, however this is how some of the gas/electric hybrids work. For example, a Chevy Volt runs that way. Here is a passage from the Wikipedia article:

“The Volt operates as a pure battery electric vehicle until its battery capacity drops to a predetermined threshold from full charge. From there its internal combustion engine powers an electric generator to extend the vehicle’s range as needed.”

I dont know if this kind of setup is coming to a rock crawlin’ 4×4 near you any time soon, but who knows!


Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
Sierra LED Light Bar glare?

Events and Happenings:

Jeepers Jamboree
July 22nd Vendor Show
July 23-26th Rubicon Trail
We interviewed Bob on Episode 31

Sierra Trek
Thursday, August 06, 2015 – Sunday, August 09, 2015

Cantina for the Con
September 5th-6th at the Spillway


Episode 34 – Cooking on the Trail!

Episode 34 – Cooking on the Trail!

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for 15 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!! Whether you’re looking for a Sunday drive or some hard core rock crawling!! We will cover it all!

Episode 34!!

http://www.jkskinz.com/ Your inovative and multi function Jeep Jk Storage and mounting solutions.

What’s up Jeff?


July Giveaway!!
http://www.jkskinz.com/ Look forward to an interview with the owner and creater of JKSkinz next week!! Register now for the giveaway!!
Interviewed Sean on Episode 32

Main Topic: Cooking on the Trail

Cooking, how do you cook?

Listener Feedback:

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
4.88 or 5.13 gears with 37s?

Events and Happenings:

Jeepers Jamboree
July 22nd Vendor Show
July 23-26th Rubicon Trail
We interviewed Bob on Episode 31

Sierra Trek
Thursday, August 06, 2015 – Sunday, August 09, 2015

Cantina for the Con
September 5th-6th at the Spillway


Episode 33 – Off-road Trailers Good Idea or Bad Idea?

Episode 33 – Off-road Trailers Good Idea or Bad Idea?

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for 15 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!! Whether you’re looking for a Sunday drive or some hard core rock crawling!! We will cover it all!

This week we are talking Off-road Trailers and if they are a good idea or a bad idea. Join us for the discussion and tell us what you think.

What’s up Jeff?


July Giveaway!!
Register to win your very own JKSKINZ.

Main Topic: Interview with Sean from JKSKINZ

Greg and Jeff discuss these amazing new panels built just for the Jeep JK and how you can store your gear on them and more.

Listener Feedback:

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
The Official High Sierra 4×4 Podcast Krawler Hauler!!

Events and Happenings:

Jeepers Jamboree
July 22nd Vendor Show
July 23-26th Rubicon Trail

Sierra Trek
Thursday, August 06, 2015 – Sunday, August 09, 2015

Cantina for the Con
September 5th-6th at the Spillway


Episode 31 – Bob From Jeepers Jamboree

Episode 31 – Bob From Jeepers Jamboree

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for 15 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!! Whether you’re looking for a Sunday drive or some hard core rock crawling!! We will cover it all!

Episode 31!!


What’s up Jeff?


June Giveaway!!
Switch-Pros recognized the need for a customizable switch panel system which would allow vehicle operators to consolidate their accessory switches into one compact and versatile panel. With the anticipated impact this new product line would have in the marketplace

July Giveaway!!
http://www.jkskinz.com/ Look forward to an interview with the owner and creater of JKSkinz next week!! Register now for the giveaway!!

Main Topic: Jeepers Jamboree

Safe ways to explore new trails?
I don’t belong to a club, I can’t find someone to hang out with
How do I find these trails and events?
Are they worth it?
Major wheeling events

The Jeepers and Jeep Jamboree have been offering guided off road trips on the legendary Rubicon Trail in Northern California for over 60 years. Considered to be a 10 on most scales; the trail changes year after year as winter storms create new challenges. Jeepers Jamboree has the experience and the expertise to help you traverse the trail. It is a challenging trip over the Rubicon trail, but you will have plenty of fun and relaxation along the way. Come join the Jeep and Jeepers Jamboree for the experience of a lifetime.

Hi Bob, tell us how long you have been into four wheeling.
How did you get involved with the Jeepers and Jeep Jamboree?
What is the difference between the two?
What can someone expect when they enroll for a Jamboree?
Mechanics, food, entertainment, vendor show,
What route will they take over the trail?
Is there a vehicle limitation?
What kind of activities do we have to look forward to at Rubicon Springs?

63rd Annual Jeepers Jamboree
July 23rd-26th

37th Annual Jeep Jamboree
July 31st-August 2nd

Listener Feedback:

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
The Official High Sierra 4×4 Podcast Krawler Hauler!!

Events and Happenings:

Jeepers Jamboree
July 22nd Vendor Show
July 23-26th Rubicon Trail

Sierra Trek
Thursday, August 06, 2015 – Sunday, August 09, 2015

Cantina for the Con
September 5th-6th at the Spillway
