Episode 91 – Snow Time!!

Episode 91 – Snow Time!!

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my tenacious and tolerant co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for a combined 30 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 91!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?

Jeep is back?


January Giveaway

Main Topic: Snow Run

Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
Side by side vs Street Legal wheeler

Listener Feedback:

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Events and Happenings:

Meet and greet


Episode 90 – Bumpers, Long Arms and a Good Time!!

Episode 90 – Bumpers, Long Arms and a Good Time!!

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my tenacious and tolerant co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for a combined 30 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 90!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?

Jeep is back?


January Giveaway

Main Topic: Body Armor Continued

How do you prioritize what you buy or make first?

This will all come down to personal preference, but I think there are a few things to consider.

What trails do you plan to tackle in your immediate future?
What are the conditions of those trails?
Rocky, muddy, fire roads, jagged rock…Etc.

If you have a stock Rubicon, and you plan to take it through the Rubicon, you will definitely want some armor before you go.

Often times, you will find that Body Armor and recovery points go hand and hand.
Bumpers have shackle tabs or hooks built into them.
Rock sliders become Hi Lift points.
Roll cages become places to attach straps to help keep you up right in a hairy situation.

Because, most runs you ever go on, one of the first requirements will be for your vehicle to have recovery points. The factory stuff is often times junk!! So, most likely, the first piece of armor you buy will be front and rear bumpers.

Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
Long Arms on a daily driver?

More Flex?
More bump compliance
Smooth out the ride
Is stability an issue?

Listener Feedback:

Hey guys, I just wanted to drop an email and tell you that I am really enjoying the podcast. I started in at episode 80 stuck in snow and wanted more so I started from episode 1 and love your stories and the good information you provide. Keep up the good work and do you still have shirts so I can support your podcast from down south in the Central Valley (Bakersfield). Thanks Jon…oh by the way I wheel a well equipped 04 TJ Rubicon on 35’s…

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Events and Happenings:

Meet and greet


Episode 89 – The Benefits of Body Armor!!

Episode 89 – The Benefits of Body Armor!!

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my tenacious and tolerant co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for a combined 30 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 89!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?


January Giveaway

Main Topic: Body Armor
You’ve spent tons of money on your rig to prepare it for your off road adventure!! You’re planning to head out into the middle of nowhere and you want to be as prepared as possible.

You need to protect your investment not only from the terran you are tackling but also protect yourself from possible breakage!!

How can you we do this?

Things to consider…

The heavier it is, the stronger it may be, but that can have other side effects…Heavier rig means more upgrades, stiffer suspension, more body roll, etc.

Aluminum, steel or tin foil? This is where the balancing act of weight vs strength comes into play. Lighter means weaker.

Bumpers vs tires, skid plates, diff covers, driveline skid plates/pinion skid plates, diff skid plates, rock sliders, bumper clearance…

Frame mounted vs body mounted.
Rock sliders, roll cages, fender flares…

Do you really need it?

Listener Feedback:

Really enjoyed “family rig” episode. Great points of needs and wants. I’ve thought a lot about this and have a couple additions. Age; being comfortable and able to wheel for a long day and not feel beat up. Modifications; you’re farther from home, and your wheeler buddy support, so being able to source stock parts out of town would be important to get you home. How about dual use using an overland trailer? Opens up a whole new discussion.

My list was: jeep 4 door ( just to many of them around, Chevy mini blazer ( just not enough room), dodge Dakota ( was a serious option, but research found a weak steering), what I ended up choosing was a Hummer H3. I found a truck version and am very happy with it. V8 motor, decent aftermarket support, GM parts avaliable. Now I’m building an overland trailer to go with it. The downside- IFS, and it’s expensive.

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Events and Happenings:

Meet and greet


Episode 86 – Listener Question and Comments!!

Episode 86 – Listener Question and Comments!!

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my tenacious and tolerant co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for a combined 30 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 86!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?


January Giveaway

Main Topic: Listener Questions and Comments

Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
Replacement LED driving lights.

Listener Feedback:

Hey guys,
I just listened to your show where you requested ideas for next years SEMA build. I think it would be great to take an old 60’s era CJ and completely modernize it. Make it look old but have it built with all modern parts. Crate motor, axels, interior, lift, the whole 9 yards. Also I would be willing to let you use my 62 Willis for the build 😀. Love the show, Keep up the great work.
Jeremy aka “Flash”

Great podcast with a lot of good info. Looking to upgrade my front axle on a 2015 Wrangler unlined Sahara and was curious if anyone had any input (good or bad) on the teraflex 44 housings or any other manufactures with similar housing upgrades? J-

I have a questions about a 4×4 chevy tahoe 99. I have fixed my rear differential 3 time because for some reason my tires are locking on turns does anybody know how I can fix that and how can I keep it to where my 4×4 drive together???

As I am new to wheeling, I really enjoy listening to your Pod Casts! Thank you for putting in the time and energy into this program. Bought our JK in June completely stock. They are right about Jeep standing for “Just empty every pocket”.

We are looking for some feedback on the forum

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Events and Happenings:

Meet and greet


Episode 85 – The Best Off Road Vehicles You Can Buy Right Now

Episode 85 – The Best Off Road Vehicles You Can Buy Right Now

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my tenacious and tolerant co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for a combined 30 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 85!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?


January Giveaway

Main Topic: 10 Best Off Road Vehicles You Can Buy

Five Used Trucks You Should Never Consider Buying

2011 Dodge Ram 1500
Dodge Ram pickup trucks are popular for their bold design and best in class ride quality; Ram fans may be surprised to learn their favorite truck made our list. The standard V-6 engine in the 2011 Ram is underpowered and gets no better fuel economy that the optional V-8. Standard equipment is also a tad on the light side. However, these deficiencies can be avoided by purchasing a Ram 1500 with the engine and optional equipment you want. What cannot be overcome is the 2011 Ram 1500 received only a three star safety rating from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and in a frontal crash the rating drops to an unacceptable two stars. If you want to buy a Dodge Ram pass on the 2011 model year, just to be safe.

Any Ford Truck with a 5.4L Engine
The 5.4L 3-valve engines used in Ford Trucks from 2004 to 2010 develop camshaft phaser issues, especially when engines exceed the 100,000 mile mark. The first sign of an impending failure is a slight tick at idle, as the problem worsens owners complain of a noticeable loss of power. Engines running rich will clog catalytic converters and trigger check engine light illuminations; repairs are expensive. Even worse many repairs merely mask the problem for short periods of time only to have the issue return necessitating an engine overhaul or replacement. Thinking about buying a Ford pickup? Pop the hood, check the engine specifications, and run away from 5.4L equipped models.

The 10 Best Off-Road Vehicles You Can Buy Right Now

Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
Snow stuck thread.

Listener Feedback:

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Events and Happenings:

Cal4wheel Winter Fun Festival
January 15-17, 2016


Episode 84 – Tires Without Wheels

Episode 84 – Tires Without Wheels

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my tenacious and tolerant co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for a combined 30 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 84!!

Jeeps back. Bad o2 sensor.

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?


January Giveaway

Main Topic: Beadlock Install

Article Help

Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
Snow stuck thread.

Listener Feedback:

Guys, just ran across your podcast the other day. Just got a new ride 2011 Tacoma which already has some great upgrades. Looking forward to getting it on the trail.
Ran across your meals for #34 podcast. I backpack a lot and here are a couple of meals that I think would be great on your next 4×4 Trip as well.
I smoke a pork butt ahead of time and freeze it into the portion size I want in vacuum sealed bags then either warm it in a non stick skillet or you can simply just put the bag right in boiling water and bring the meat up to temperature. Bring some buns, chips and bbq sauce and you have a great and quick meal.
The other meal I really enjoy is tortilla pizzas. Non stick pan again. I always use my backpacking stoves to cook even when I am truck camping. They don’t take up much room, they are lightweight and easy to use. You put the stove on low heat with butter in the pan and then your tortilla. I usually build my pizza on my plate first. Tortilla, sauce, meat of choice then fine grated cheese. Cook till the cheese is melted. Very yummy for sure!
I’ll include some pictures of my Tacoma, smoked pork butt and Tortilla Pizzas. Thanks for the great info!

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Events and Happenings:

Cal4wheel Winter Fun Festival
January 15-17, 2016


Episode 83 – Snow Winching Extravaganza

Episode 83 – Snow Whinching Extravaganza

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my tenacious and tolerant co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for a combined 30 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 83!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?


January Giveaway

Main Topic: Snow Wheeling Recap!

Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
Snow stuck thread.

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Events and Happenings:

Cal4wheel Winter Fun Festival
January 15-17, 2016


Episode 82 – New Plans for the New Year!!

Episode 82 – New Plans for the New Year!!

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my tenacious and tolerant co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for a combined 30 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading world with you!!

Episode 82!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?

Jeeps in the shop, seeping power steering pump line
Lemon laws regarding aftermarket parts voiding your warranty.


January Giveaway

Main Topic: New Plans for the New Year!!

New year resolutions. We had a chance to look back over 2015, what do we want for 2016?

Rig goals for 2016?

Greg: 60s, 40s, hydraulic assist, roll cage, skid plates, CB install,

Trail Goals:
Greg: Rubicon all the way through, smaller trails I want to ease back into. Slick Rock, Deer Valley, Gold Lakes.

Podcast Goals:
Greg: Be more methodical about topics and series, bigger and badder giveaways, more meet and greets, more runs.

Event Goals:
Greg: Meet and Greets, event Runs

Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
Jeep Eats Rock!!

Listener Feedback:

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Events and Happenings:

Cal4wheel Winter Fun Festival
January 15-17, 2016


Episode 81 – We Will Miss You 2015!!

Episode 81 – We Will Miss You 2015!!

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my tenacious and tolerant co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for a combined 30 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 81!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?

Greg – Yosemite recap
Check engine light again…Jeep running lean.


January Giveaway

Main Topic: We will miss you 2015!!

Every year around this time everyone is looking at 2015 in review. What happen in 2015!!

I think we should start off with our worst and best ideas this year.

Jeff? Starting the podcast!!

Greg? SEMA good idea and bad Idea
Making the jump to start at High Sierra 4×4

What was the best event you attended this year?
Cantina for the Con

Best show you attended?
Pomona Off Road Expo

Best wheeling trip?
Episode 47 Fordyce

Best vehicle mod?
VKS Fab Bumpers and Sliders

Best interview?
Northridge4x4 David

Best Episode?
SEMA Show interviews and coverage

Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
RGB Sierra LED Light Install!!

Listener Feedback:

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Events and Happenings:

Cal4wheel Winter Fun Festival
January 15-17, 2016


Episode 80 – Stuck in the Snow

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my tenacious and tolerant co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for a combined 30 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 80!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?


December Giveaway

Main Topic: Snow Stuck

4 missing near Mt. Hood saved by snowmobiler

Episode 69 and 70 for more info on snow wheeling.

To my surprise, several club members attended the Prairie City PIG Meeting yesterday 12/15. I was a little concerned what jargon we would hear having never been involved in a meeting like this with Prairie City. It was pretty informative and afterwards, I have to say I was glad I attended. The staff at Prairie City seems to be very pro OHV use which makes sense.

They discussed several issues pertaining to the park, their fight with the county for access to their event entrance after the redesign of White Rock Rd, regulation changes to event permits, general fund issues, future expansion plans, obstacle construction and a slue of other topics. Let’s skip ahead and talk about what we really care about and that’s the obstacle construction.

In the summer of 2016, they plan to develop the 4×4 area with additional obstacle construction. This new obstacle will connect the whoops by the pyramid to the pipeline route with the intentions of creating a more trail like experience. The obstacle will have three routes through it, a tall pipe style hill to go up and over, a smaller version hill and a valley to maneuver through. Loose rocks will be placed before and after the hill climbs. They had a pretty cool little model of what they plan to build.

They were seeking recommendations or changes to the model. I think it would be a great addition to the park.

Thread of the Week:

Suggested Thread of the Week!
First Aid Show notes episode 78

Listener Feedback:

Send us your questions and comments!!!

Events and Happenings:

Cal4wheel Winter Fun Festival
January 15-17, 2016
