Episode 114 – Get to Know the Hosts!!

Episode 114 – Get to Know the Hosts!!

What’s up everyone, welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! This is the best off road podcast on the internet!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and hanging out with me today is the awe inspiring fullsize guy Jeff Bakken and the mini me Forrest we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 114!!

It’s transition time…

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?
What’s up Forrest? Tow rig tear down
What’s up Greg? Fender install, then fender uninstall…


Main Topic: Get to Know the Hosts

Many of our listeners have been around for a while and they want to get to know us.

What was your first vehicle?
Your first 4×4?
When did you first go offroad?
What was the first trail you ever went on?
When did you know that you couldn’t shake the 4 wheeling habit?
Do you prefer day trips or overnighters?
What’s your most favorite vehicle you’ve owned and why?
Would you rather daily drive your rig or have a daily driver?
What’s one of your most favorite off road memories?
Worst trail break?
Most embarrassing off road moment

Listener Feedback:
Send us your questions and comments!!!

Hey guys,
Just wanted to take a minute and say thanks for being so diligent with the twice a week podcasts. I have a 2015 jku that I’m building/saving to build and it’s great to be able to tune in and get educated before dropping that kind of coin.

I also wanted to rag on Greg a little bit because it cracks me up how much he says, “and all that fun stuff” and “quote unquote”! I think Jeff and Forest should have a clicker or something to keep track of how many times an episode, and Greg should have to pay a nickel for every one. Not sure what you guys would do with the boat loads of change, but if you can’t think of anything I’d be happy to put it towards my build lol.

Anyway just wanted check in, I’m a first time emailer. Thanks again, I really enjoy the podcast and the addition of Forrest, keep up the good work! Hope to see you guys at an event sometime!

-Jason from Portland
2015 willys jku

Thread of the Week
Steering Questions

Events and Happenings:
Moonlight Madness poker run
Weekend of june 24, 25 and 26 2016

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48

Episode 113 – Racing on a Budget

Episode 113 – Racing on a Budget

What’s up everyone, welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! This is the best off road podcast on the internet!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and hanging out with me today is the awe inspiring fullsize guy Jeff Bakken and the mini me Forrest we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 113!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?
What’s up Forrest?
What’s up Greg?


Main Topic: Racecar on a budget

Want to race in the limited classes of ULTRA4 Racing?
Smittybilt Everyman Challenge and 4500-4800 races throughout the season are our limited classes!

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help make it happen!

1.Make sure your vehicle meets our tech rules and you have proper safety equipment.
There are three classes racing in the EMC which runs on a modified course the day before KOH itself. Classes are Stock (4600), Modified (4500) and Legend (4800). You do not need to pre-qualify for the EMC but your vehicle must meet the tech and safety requirements outlined here: http://ultra4racing.com/racers/rulebook/. See Section 6.3 for Stock, Section 6.4 for Modified, and Section 6.4.11 for Legend.

2. Create a driver profile at www.ultra4racing.com/races and register.
You have a couple of options when registering for the race, specifically whether to commit to signing up for an entire Regional Series as well as KOH or not. If you choose to sign up for a Series as well as KOH, you will receive significant savings throughout the year compared to those who enter race by race. See the race entry pages for more information.
The race registration process is straight forward, but should you get stuck, we have created these step-by-step registration instructions. If you already registered to race with ULTRA4 before, please use the same login and password. If you have any questions registering, please email Shannon Welch at Shannon@ultra4racing.com

3. Pay for your race
The address to send checks to and online payment options are all available once you have registered online and signed up for the event.

4. Sign up for USAC Insurance
All drivers and co-drivers MUST have either annual or single use USAC insurance purchased. Pre-purchasing your USAC insurance online saves tons of time on site. Costs are still being determined and will be emailed to already registered drivers once they are known.

5. Be prepared for additional mandatory costs
At KOH there will be additional mandatory costs (including USAC insurance mentioned above) including but not limited to: IRC trackers, pit crew bands, tech fee (included in an annual USAC membership, or charged separate if not paying for an annual USAC membership). Payment and pricing for these costs will be emailed to you as they are known.

6. Show up and race!
See you soon.

Pending you had a 10K budget, how would you build your rig?




Listener Feedback:
Send us your questions and comments!!!

Thread of the Week
Rubicon and Fordyce

Events and Happenings:
Moonlight Madness poker run
Weekend of june 24, 25 and 26 2016

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48

Episode 112 – MetalCloak Stampede

Episode 112 – MetalCloak Stampede

What’s up everyone, welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! This is the best off road podcast on the internet!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and hanging out with me today is the awe inspiring fullsize guy Jeff Bakken and the mini me Forrest we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 112!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?
What’s up Forrest?
What’s up Greg?


Main Topic: Metalcloak Stampede

Metalcloak Stampede
April 8th – 9th

Ultra 4 racing

What did you guys think of the event?
Vender show?
Favorite part of the day?
Favorite group to watch?
Favorite racer?

Stock 4600
Stock mod 4800

Listener Feedback:
Send us your questions and comments!!!

Thread of the Week
Rubicon and Fordyce

Events and Happenings:
Moonlight Madness poker run
Weekend of june 24, 25 and 26 2016

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48

Episode 111 – Wearable Parts

Episode 111 – Wearable Parts

What’s up everyone, welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! This is the best off road podcast on the internet!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and hanging out with me today is the awe inspiring fullsize guy Jeff Bakken and the mini me Forrest we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 111!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?
What’s up Forrest?
What’s up Greg? Preparation for a the Silver State Expedition Adventure. Prepping the jeep…


Main Topic: Wearable Parts

Jeff and I have always preached maintenance for your rig. Well, what does that mean? What needs maintaining?

What are parts that will last a long time, but need attention every once in awhile vs a part that might need maintenance once a year?

What do I need to monitor on my rig?
Jeff seems to have had some serious issues that he has discovered. Luckily he found them before the where major problems.

Budgeting for rebuilds and repairs?

Sounds like Jeff needs to upgrade to a HP Dana 70 front or build a custom 14 bolt front. What brand gears is he running that he keeps chipping teeth off of?

Listener Feedback:
Send us your questions and comments!!!

Hi guys love the show and the addition of Forrest hope everything’s going great. I particularly loved the episodes you did on overlanding and off-road trailers. Would love to hear more content on overlanding in general. Have you guys thought about an episode on roof top tents? I’m in the market right now and have been considering the local brands like CVT and Tepui. Any suggestions? Do you guys run a RTT?
Thanks again keep up the great work.
Nick K.

Thread of the Week
Rattling sound from my jeep!
my 2011 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited started making this rattling sound a few days ago. The sound reminds me of a baseball card on a bike spoke. The first day the sound started in was only when pressing the accelerator and now 2 days later it’s only when idling. i haven’t got to do much investigating yet to attempt to find out where exactly the sound is coming from but I’m doing that tomorrow morning. I am pretty much clueless when it comes to automotive stuff but I’d really like to change that. Anyone had something similar happen and maybe have some advice?

Lisa, Cool, CA

Events and Happenings:
Moonlight Madness poker run
Weekend of june 24, 25 and 26 2016

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48

Episode 110 – Transfer Case Tech

Episode 110 – Transfer Case Tech

What’s up everyone, welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! This is the best off road podcast on the internet!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and hanging out with me today is the awe inspiring fullsize guy Jeff Bakken and the mini me Forrest we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 110!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?
What’s up Forrest?
What’s up Greg? CB Installed, thanks Jeff. Tuning it?

Hate Mail!!
Sorry to break your hearts, but this really isn’t hate mail – just having some fun and busting your chops. I listen to your podcast on my phone using Stitcher. I really enjoy listening to you guys. I wanted to shoot you an e-mail and add to the automatic transmission conversation. One thing you guys didn’t touch on is how the first gear in an automatic really isn’t fixed. For example the JK’s WA580 (also known as the NAG1) automatic has a 3.59 first gear ratio. However, the effective first gear ratio is actually between 6.46 and 8.97 because of the viscous coupling of the torque converter. The only time the stated gear ratio on an automatic holds true is when the converter is in lock up. There is some good reading in the below link.


One last thing. If I remember correctly, I think Jeff kept saying automatics had belts in them. This is not correct, I believe the word Jeff really meant was bands. Old automatics did use bands with friction pads. The new automatics like the WA580 do not use bands. They are hydraulically actuated and use electronically controlled solenoids for their operation.

Regards, John


Main Topic: Transfer Case

Well, if you’re into four wheeling at all, at some point, you’ve thought about your transfer case. What does it do?
How does it do it?
What’s the benefit of upgrading your transfer case?
What kind of upgrades should I do?
What’s a doubler or dual cases?
Is there a difference?
When should I gear vs dual cases?
How about an aftermarket transfer case?
What does twin stick mean?

Listener Feedback:
Send us your questions and comments!!!

Important to note that NV gear is out of business. As the 3500 becomes harder to find used the similarly rated AX15 is still available new. Other than the early jeep and bronco 4 speeds I think you covered the big manuals to be worried about.

As to auto’s I think the popular Jeep slush-boxes being the AW4, 32RH and 42RLEs deserve mention. AW4 was found in XJ cherokees with the 4.0L engine. Great transmission if you keep it cool. Not as efficient as modern units but it was also used in v8 landcrusers so it somewhat underrated behind the 4.0. Add a transmission cooler and they last 200k miles. Jeepspeed guys thrash these things so there is decent aftermarket support for them.

32RH was a 3 speed unit found in early 4.0L TJs. Durable transmission based on the 1970s 3 speeds that sat behind V8s. Lack of an overdrive hurts dual purpose rigs on the highway. Dead simple hydraulically controlled auto is great for dedicated trail rigs and no computer to worry about.

42RLE was a 4 speed unit found in ZJs, later TJs, and 3.8 JKs. Generally regarded as a “meh” transmission. Odd shifting and so-so reliability.

One place manuals have a distinct advantage is deeper snow wheeling. Auto’s will build heat at slow speeds where a manual has no slipping to generate heat and no cooler that can get airflow blocked by packed snow. Manuals have a disadvantage in terms of stress on the rest of the drivetrain. An auto will reduce shock loads to the drivetrain as the transmission is an indirect link at low speeds. Autos generally wont notice slop in the drivetrain like a manual will pronounce.

Thread of the Week
Cooking on the trail!

Events and Happenings:
Metalcloak Stampede
April 8th – 9th
Moonlight Madness poker run
Weekend of june 24, 25 and 26 2016

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48

Episode 109 – Auto vs Manual Transmissions

Episode 109 – Auto vs Manual Transmissions

What’s up everyone, welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! This is the best off road podcast on the internet!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and hanging out with me today is the awe inspiring fullsize guy Jeff Bakken and the mini me Forrest we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 109!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?
What’s up Forrest?
What’s up Greg? CB mount and wiring hopefully, Preparing for nevada overland trip. Hydraulic steering.

March Giveaway

Main Topic: Trannies

Manual vs Auto

What are some popular trannies to work with?


Turbo 350
Turbo 400


Listener Feedback:
Send us your questions and comments!!!

Thread of the Week
Which kind of cable for my winch?

Events and Happenings:
Metalcloak Stampede
April 8th – 9th

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48

Episode 108 – How to Build a Fullsize!!

Episode 108 – How to Build a Fullsize!!

What’s up everyone, welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! This is the best off road podcast on the internet!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and hanging out with me today is the awe inspiring fullsize guy Jeff Bakken and the mini me Forrest we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 108!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?
What’s up Forrest?
What’s up Greg? License plate delete, shopping for the best deal, Headlight upgrade.

March Giveaway

Main Topic: How to Build a FoolSize

Extended cab, regular cab, long bed, theres many shapes and sizes.

Mud –
Rock Crawling –
Weekend warrior –

Other considerations when building a fullsize
Strength –
Weight –
Dana 44 have a place on a foolsize?

Listener Feedback:
Send us your questions and comments!!!

Thread of the Week
Which kind of cable for my winch?

Events and Happenings:
Metalcloak Stampede
April 8th – 9th
Big hat days clovis april 3rd

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48

Episode 107 – The Foolsize Invasion

Episode 107 – The Foolsize Invasion

What’s up everyone, welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! This is the best off road podcast on the internet!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and hanging out with me today is the awe inspiring fullsize guy Jeff Bakken and the mini me Forrest we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 107!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?
What’s up Forrest?

March Giveaway

Main Topic: The Foolsize

Why would anyone want to wheel a foolsize rig?

Fullsize invasion

What are the advantages of going with a fullsize rig.
Bigger components

Strength in components

Listener Feedback:
Send us your questions and comments!!!

Thread of the Week
Which kind of cable for my winch?

Events and Happenings:
Metalcloak Stampede
April 8th – 9th

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48

Episode 106 – JKs Effect on the Off Road World

Episode 106 – JKs Effect on the Off Road World

What’s up everyone, welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! This is the best off road podcast on the internet!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and hanging out with me today is the awe inspiring fullsize guy Jeff Bakken and the mini me Forrest we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 106!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?
What’s up Forrest?

March Giveaway

Main Topic: how the JK changed the off road world

On the trail

Listener Feedback:
Send us your questions and comments!!!

I really enjoy the addition of Forrest to the podcast.

Thread of the Week
What did you do this weekend

Events and Happenings:
Metalcloak Stampede
April 8th – 9th

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48

Episode 105 – The Shady Tree Mechanic Safety

Episode 105 – The Shady Tree Mechanic Safety

What’s up everyone, welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! This is the best off road podcast on the internet!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and hanging out with me today is the awe inspiring fullsize guy Jeff Bakken and the mini me Forrest we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!

Episode 105!!

This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48.

What’s up Jeff?
What’s up Forrest?
Full float vs Semi Float?

March Giveaway

Main Topic: Garage Safety

Jeff, What happen to our buddy?

We all have our ways of doing different tasks and working around our tool capacity. But what are some major do’s and don’ts of working in the garage?

Listener Feedback:
Send us your questions and comments!!!

Hello from the grain belt of Saskatchewaun Canada been a listener from the first podcast I have a question being I run a full size full size a k30 long box with lockers cross over steering and 37s and all the rest that goes with it what I would like to know is whether a truck of that size would make it through the rubicon as I’m thinking of loading up my k30 and my wife’s samurai and making a holiday of it and also I think a show all on full size trucks would be interesting too hear as I know your brother is in the full size club thanks for a great show and keep it up makes for a interesting listen

Thanks Steve

Ok, so two things. One, the podcast from the app doesn’t automatically roll onto the next episode . Had to switch to a different platform. (listened to all the episodes in less than two weeks)

Two, the app should have a notification to phone option, so when someone responds to your post it will send a flash or pop-up to your phone window.

Side note… Greg saying granted sounds like he’s saying granite… Ocd kicks in. Love listening everyday, well now only twice a week 😂

Thread of the Week
What did you do this weekend

Events and Happenings:
Metalcloak Stampede
April 8th – 9th

HIGHSIERRA4X4 – 10% off and free shipping on orders over $70 to the lower 48