Episode 86 – Listener Question and Comments!!
Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!! I’m your host Greg Bakken and joining me is my tenacious and tolerant co host Jeff Bakken. We have been wheeling for a combined 30 years and we are here to share our passion for off roading with you!!
Episode 86!!
This podcast episode is brought to you by Northridge4x4.com the best online store in the industry for your 4×4 parts
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What’s up Jeff?
January Giveaway
Main Topic: Listener Questions and Comments
Thread of the Week:
Suggested Thread of the Week!
Replacement LED driving lights.
Listener Feedback:
Hey guys,
I just listened to your show where you requested ideas for next years SEMA build. I think it would be great to take an old 60’s era CJ and completely modernize it. Make it look old but have it built with all modern parts. Crate motor, axels, interior, lift, the whole 9 yards. Also I would be willing to let you use my 62 Willis for the build . Love the show, Keep up the great work.
Jeremy aka “Flash”
Great podcast with a lot of good info. Looking to upgrade my front axle on a 2015 Wrangler unlined Sahara and was curious if anyone had any input (good or bad) on the teraflex 44 housings or any other manufactures with similar housing upgrades? J-
I have a questions about a 4×4 chevy tahoe 99. I have fixed my rear differential 3 time because for some reason my tires are locking on turns does anybody know how I can fix that and how can I keep it to where my 4×4 drive together???
As I am new to wheeling, I really enjoy listening to your Pod Casts! Thank you for putting in the time and energy into this program. Bought our JK in June completely stock. They are right about Jeep standing for “Just empty every pocket”.
We are looking for some feedback on the forum
Send us your questions and comments!!!
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