Episode 3 – Interview with Pete Williamsen of JKS Part 2

Episode 3 – Interview with Pete Williamsen of JKS Part 2

Our special guest in the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast studio is Pete Williamsen of JKS. Pete lets us in on how he got started with off-roading and we discuss what JKS is working on and some of their new products.

Listener Feedback:
Send us your questions and comments!!!
www.highsierra4x4.com/podcast and fill out the comment form!

Episode 2 – Interview with Pete Williamsen of JKS

Episode 2 – Interview with Pete Williamsen of JKS

Our special guest in the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast studio is Pete Williamsen of JKS. Pete lets us in on how he got started with off-roading and we discuss what JKS is working on and some of their new products.

Listener Feedback:
Send us your questions and comments!!!
www.highsierra4x4.com/podcast and fill out the comment form!

Episode 1 – Podcast Kick-Off!! Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!!

Welcome to the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!!  Episode 1 Podcast Kick-Off

I am Greg Bakken and this is my co host Jeff Bakken. We are brothers that have been wheeling for nearly 15 years!! What better way to enjoy our hobby then to bring you a podcast about the off-roading world and industry!!

Listener Feedback:
Send us your questions and comments!!!
www.highsierra4x4.com/podcast and fill out the comment form!


The High Sierra 4×4 Podcast is coming!!

The High Sierra 4×4 has just launched a new podcast series called the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!!  Each week we will publish podcasts where we talk about our favorite thing to do, wheel!  We will talk about trails, events, how-to, interview people in the industry and just have fun.   The podcasts will be available at www.highsierra4x4.com/podcast and on iTunes or any Podcast App.  Listen to the Intro today!