Episode 313 – Why Jeff Loves Recovery and Search and Rescue

Join Jeff and Greg as they discuss why Jeff loves recovery but won’t join search and rescue on this episode of the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!

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Episode 312 – Internal Beadlocks and Our Three Year Anniversary!!

Join Jeff and Greg as they discuss internal deadlocks and our three year anniversary on this episode of the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!

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Episode 311 – Axle Smack and Lamar Build

Join Jeff and Greg as they discuss some listener questions and what else is happening with the podcast on this episode of the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!

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Episode 310 – Snow Wheeling and Why Would Jeff Not Pull Over

Join Jeff and Greg as they make a return and discuss snow wheeling and why Jeff wouldn’t pull over on this episode of the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!

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Episode 307 – Fred Williams Dirt Every Day

Join Greg as we have a flash back and listen to a previously recorded episode with Fred Williams on this episode of the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!

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Episode 306 – Tyler and Jeff Take Over the Podcast

Join Jeff as he takes over the podcast and has a special guest on this episode of the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!

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Episode 305 – Trail Breakdowns and Meeting Your Wife

Join Jeff and Greg as they discuss some listener questions and comments as well as some super charger talk on this episode of the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!

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Episode 304 – 2 Speed vs 4 Speed and What’s Right For You!

Join Jeff and Greg as they discuss some crawl ratios, gearing and who breaks more than Jeff on this episode of the High Sierra 4×4 Podcast!

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